Monday, April 17, 2006

One bump after another

Haven't had much time to move forward over the long weekend. I was pretty busy with some spring cleaning, a birthday, and of course work that never seems to end. Now that i've taken a break from all that I've decided to read another sub chapter or two from the book. But just my luck, when attempting to install the Blitz demo packed with the book I was getting installation errors. Wasn't sure why at first until I took out the cd and flipped it over. What did I find? My brand new cd was cracked! That's right, a large star shaped crack right near the center. So I went to the BlitzBasic site and downloaded the demo from there. I'm not sure what else I may need from the cracked cd. I may have to contact the author and see if he can at least p2p what i need. *fingers crossed*

It seems so far that my experience with game programming has been all but complaints hasn't it? I'm optimistic it will get better. There's no where to go now but up! =).