Tuesday, January 08, 2008

It's A New Year For Gaming!

2007 was quite the year for gamers of all types. I can't wait for what's in store for gaming in 2008!

After such a crazy ending to 2007 with the explosion of Halo, Guitar Hero, and the Wii I'm surprised there are any games left on the store shelves! Personally, I've picked up a Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii, PS3, and upgraded my pc to return to the world of WoW (World of Warcraft). It's going to be a full fledged gaming year! Now all I need is to get my hands on an Xbox 360 and I'm set!

Well enough bragging lol. I'm not really bragging, but when you love gaming as much as I do you have to get the latest toys!

Speaking of all these systems, to help kick start the new year I've started a poll on the right column of the page. What is your favorite gaming system? Vote now and let us know which is your favorite.

That's it for today. All the best to all you fellow gamers and a Happy New 2008!

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